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Wyoming Leopold Conservation Award recipient honored

governorThe Padlock Ranch, recipient of this year’s Leopold Conservation Award in Wyoming, was honored by Governor Matt Mead during a ceremony at the state capitol.

Governor Mead signed a proclamation declaring July 9, 2013 as Wyoming Environmental Stewardship Day which marks the date of the Environmental Stewardship Tour hosted by the Wyoming Stock Growers Association (WSGA) and the Wyoming Department of Agriculture. The annual event showcases the Leopold Conservation Award recipient. This year’s recipient, The Padlock Ranch, operates a sustainable and profitable cattle operation on 500,000 acres in Wyoming and Montana.

“Ranchers know that we must take care of the land. My great-grandfather always said that where you find one blade of grass, leave two,” Governor Mead said. “The Environmental Stewardship Tour and Leopold Conservation Award celebrate those who have truly left more for future generations, all the while feeding the country and preserving our open spaces and ranching heritage.”

“Successful ranches sustain open spaces, air quality and wildlife habitat, and they provide recreational opportunities to the public,” Padlock Ranch President and CEO Wayne Fahsholtz said. “When I came here 10 years ago, we capitalized on the opportunity to implement practices to ensure we have as good a ranch as possible and to grow as much grass as possible.”

The Padlock Ranch is owned by the Scott Family and has been operating since 1943. Homer and Mildred Scott started the operation on 3,000 acres and grew the ranch to its current size.

“Wayne and Judy Fahsholtz, the Scott Family and the other dedicated people who operate the Padlock Ranch are excellent examples of ranchers who are committed to living as responsible stewards of the land,” WSGA Executive Vice President Jim Magagna said. “We applaud Governor Mead for choosing Earth Day to recognize ranchers as good caretakers of Wyoming’s environment.”

The $10,000 Leopold Conservation Award (, named for renowned conservationist Aldo Leopold, will be presented to the Padlock Ranch at WSGA’s Cattle Industry Convention & Trade Show on June 7 in Cheyenne. The award is presented by Sand County Foundation, WSGA and Peabody Energy.

“Governor Mead shares our belief that Wyoming’s farmers and ranchers are integral to the health of the state’s natural resources,” said Sand County Foundation President Dr. Brent Haglund. “We appreciate the Governor’s participation in this important celebration of voluntary conservation on private lands.”

The Leopold Conservation Award in Wyoming is made possible through the support of Peabody Energy, The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Farm Credit and the Monaghan Foundation.

For more information or to attend the Environmental Stewardship Tour of the Padlock Ranch on July 9, please call the Wyoming Stock Growers Association at 307-638-3942.