Sand County Foundation's Work

Sand County Foundation was founded nearly 60 years ago on an idea advanced by America’s transformational conservation thinker, Aldo Leopold. In his visionary book, A Sand County Almanac, Leopold encouraged private landowners such as farmers and ranchers to adopt what he called a land ethic - a personal responsibility to take care of land, water, and wildlife.
He understood that citizens who own and manage private land in the U.S., can lead the way to environmental improvement.
Today, as a national nonprofit organization, Sand County Foundation inspires and empowers farmers, ranchers, forestland managers and others to improve water resources, soil health and wildlife habitat. Few nonprofits are doing this type of targeted environmental work in partnership with private landowners who manage most of the land in the U.S.

Leopold Conservation Award Program

The Leopold Conservation Award Program recognizes and celebrates extraordinary achievement in voluntary conservation by agricultural landowners.

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Conservation Outreach & Education

We convene professionals to address watershed issues, engage students in hands-on habitat development, and provide conservation mentorships.

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Conservation Demonstration

Sand County Foundation’s team of scientists works to conduct needed research and demonstrations of effective conservation farming practices.

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