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Finalists Selected for New York AEM-Leopold Conservation Award

New York State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball announced that three farm families have been selected as finalists for New York’s Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM)-Leopold Conservation Award: Humbert Farms (Wayne County); Sunnyside Farms (Cayuga County); and Ben Wever Farm (Essex County). The award honors farmers and forestland owners who go above and beyond in their management of soil health, water quality and wildlife habitat on working land.

Commissioner Ball said, “New York State is a leader in the fight against climate change nationwide, and our farmers play a key role in meeting our climate goals while protecting our land and water and producing fresh, nutritious New York foods. The three finalists selected for this year’s AEM-Leopold Conservation Award exemplify the best of what we see across our state as they lead the way in implementing conservation practices on their farms and in their communities. I congratulate our finalists and thank them for inspiring others in the agricultural community in New York to follow their lead.”

Kevin McAleese, Sand County Foundation President and CEO said, “These award finalists are examples of how Aldo Leopold’s land ethic is alive and well today. Their dedication to conservation shows how individuals can improve the health of the land while producing food and fiber.”

New York’s longstanding AEM Award partnered with the Sand County Foundation’s nationally recognized Leopold Conservation Award® program in 2020 to honor a farm and its nominating Soil and Water Conservation District. Named in honor of renowned conservationist Aldo Leopold, this award recognizes landowners who inspire others with their dedication to environmental improvement. In his influential 1949 book, A Sand County Almanac, Leopold called for “a land ethic,” an ethical relationship between people and the land they own and manage. Sand County Foundation and national sponsor, American Farmland Trust, present Leopold Conservation Awards in 28 states.

The finalists for the 2024 AEM-Leopold Conservation Award are:

  • Humbert Farms of Rose in Wayne County: Owned by Mark and Lisa Humbert, Humbert Farms produces corn, soybeans, and wheat on 3500 acres. This fourth-generation farm prioritizes sustainability for the next generation by focusing on soil preservation and health, successor development, long term profitability, and community partnerships. Through the AEM program, the Humberts have incorporated numerous practices and resource protection initiatives into their farming operation and exhibit leadership in agricultural conservation, working with the Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District; commodity and advocacy organizations; and neighboring dairies, to look at ways of addressing carbon sequestration.
  • Sunnyside Farms, Inc. of Scipio Center in Cayuga County: Owned by Greg and Neil Rejman, Sunnyside Farms encompasses 7500 acres nestled between Cayuga and Owasco Lakes. The farm is home to approximately 5,000 dairy cows with an additional 4,000 replacement stock. The Rejmans implement conservation practices with thoughtfulness and purpose throughout their farm for the benefit of water quality and climate, including long-standing participation in AEM with the Cayuga County Soil and Water Conservation District. The Rejmans are active participants in education and outreach on their dairy, which includes opening their farm to research, hosting trainings, and holding tours for state agencies and local community and industry members.
  • Ben Wever Farm of Willsboro in Essex County: Ben Wever Farm, owned by Shaun and Linda Gilliland, is a diverse agricultural operation on 495 acres along the Boquet River. The farm’s main commodity is grassfed beef, and the Gillilands also graze a flock of hair sheep for meat. The Gillilands purchased the farm in 2005 with a vision of a diverse, regenerative operation, and have been engaged with the AEM program through their work with the Essex County Soil and Water Conservation District since purchasing the farm. Many of their agricultural and forestry practices supports the farm’s broad based and integrated approach to ecosystem management while the farm continues to hone their operation to reduce potential environmental impacts and update management practices.

The award recipient, who receives $10,000, will be revealed in October.

Earlier this year, New York State Soil and Water Conservation Districts were encouraged to identify and nominate the best examples of conservation success in their district. Applications were reviewed by an independent panel of agricultural and conservation leaders from New York.

The New York AEM-Leopold Conservation Award is made possible through the generous support of New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, American Farmland Trust, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Sand County Foundation, The Ida and Robert Gordon Family Foundation, Farm Credit East, Audubon New York, McDonald’s, New York Farm Bureau, New York State Agribusiness Association, and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Dale Stein, New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee Chair said, “The AEM-Leopold Conservation Award celebrates the very best in conservation and environmental stewardship, and showcases farms that are using AEM best management practices to make changes to their farms to meet the challenges of climate change and sustainability. I send my congratulations to our three finalists and their Soil and Water Conservation Districts for being recognized as environmental and agricultural leaders in New York State. I look forward to honoring our finalists and winner later this summer.”

John Piotti, American Farmland Trust President and CEO said, “As the national sponsor for Sand County Foundation’s Leopold Conservation Award, American Farmland Trust celebrates the hard work and dedication of the New York award finalists. At AFT we believe that conservation in agriculture requires a focus on the land itself, the practices used on that land, and the people who steward that land. This award recognizes the integral role of all three.”

Last year’s recipient was Dygert Farms of Palatine Bridge in Montgomery County.

For more information, visit and

LEOPOLD CONSERVATION AWARDS recognize landowner achievement in voluntary conservation. Sand County Foundation presents the award in California, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, and in New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont).

NEW YORK STATE AEM AWARD - New York State’s annual Agricultural Environmental Management Award winners are chosen from nominees submitted by County Soil and Water Conservation Districts from around the state. The first Agricultural Environmental Management Award was presented in 2002; prior to that, the award was known as the Agricultural Stewardship Award. New York State’s AEM framework is a model for the nation as a voluntary, incentive-based approach to protect natural resources and meet the economic needs of the agricultural community.

AMERICAN FARMLAND TRUST is the only national organization that takes a holistic approach to agriculture, focusing on the land itself, the agricultural practices used on that land, and the farmers and ranchers who do the work. AFT launched the conservation agriculture movement and continues to raise public awareness through its No Farms, No Food message. Since its founding in 1980, AFT has helped permanently protect over 6.8 million acres of agricultural lands, advanced environmentally sound farming practices on millions of additional acres, and supported thousands of farm families.

SAND COUNTY FOUNDATION inspires and empowers a growing number of private landowners to ethically manage natural resources in their care, so future generations have clean and abundant water, healthy soil to support agriculture and forestry, plentiful habitat for wildlife and opportunities for outdoor recreation.
